Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bush coming home to bankrupt Texas

The reign of terror known as the Bush presidency is almost over. George and the lowest approval rating any president has ever had are coming home to Texas. The man that has bankrupted every business he ever ran and now including the United States of America are coming home. Texas is supposed to be a little more resistant to the recession than the rest of the economy but what’s going to happen when President Bush comes back to town. What kind of image will Texans now have in the eyes of the rest of the country? Investors that are looking to do business might be less likely to deal with Texas investors because they think that George Bush is the smartest thing to come out of the State. He could possibly just by sneezing cause Texas to go into a deep recession. I’m also concerned about what the President is planning to do once he does make it back. What dealings and debacles does he have in store for our state government? There could be mass home foreclosures, banks could fail, tornadoes and earthquakes could wreak havoc in Texas. As a favor to the rest of his fellow Texans President Bush needs to make sure he makes himself as irrelevant as possible for the sake of his great state. If he can do this, maybe the rest of us will have a chance at rebuilding the image of all Texans.